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Over the years Brian has run literally thousands of workshops from youth theatres to bespoke workshops for clients which include issue based workshops, workshops with themes, creative workshops and workshops concluding with performances. His unique style of delivery allows every member of the workshop to participate at their own level, capapbilities and speed. 


Brian has a track record of delivering workshops using drama to build groups desire to create, as well as individuals confidence and ability to particpate. 

Drama sessions can last from 40/50 minutes as well as longer sessions, day sessions, week residencies and longer structured projects leading to performances and a whole range of subjects.


Theatre in Education

Documentary Theatre

Community Theatre

Issue based Theatre

Interactive Performance

Promenade Performance




It's important that any individual, or group, maintains the ownership of their creative work. Brian's songwriting workshops allow individuals and groups to create music and lyrics with him, yet they make all the decisions - what key, what way the piece will progress, the lyrics etc, leaving them with a complete piece of songwriting ready for performance or recording.


As a prolific writer, Brian has many scripts to use as example in how to create a piece of theatre. Using different styles and influences, Brian can assist groups in creating a final script and performance from a short one act play to a full length piece of musical theatre.

Brian has worked with many different groups including:


Health Protection Agency;

Wirral Youth Theatre;

Manchester Healthy Schools;

Liverpool Museums;

Rock Ferry High School;

The Learning Lighthouse;

Wirral Social Services.




Plays in a Day

Brian's residency work includes Plays in a Day, where the groups will be assisted in creating a performance to be played at the end of the day. Any subject can be used and the final product will suit the requirements of the group, large or small.

 all material (C) brianmccann 2013

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